Sexy gay men making out

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A recent summer fling was a bisexual guy who was usually with men. In fact, she says, 'Queer guys are my type.' There have been other makeout sessions and hookups (but not intercourse) with 'effeminate' guys who were either gay or seemed like they 'swung both ways,' she says. Her friends make fun of her for it, but she doesn't care. It wasn't the first time Kelly has made out with a gay man…and it probably won't be the last.

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Like, Oh, hey, this feels right,' she remembers. 'We started dancing, and it just happened. But he was also, in Kelly's eyes, super hot.

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He made her laugh when he showed her that he'd packed an extra suitcase filled only with shoes.

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They met the previous day at a social-media marketing conference and became buddies, sitting side by side while Kelly trolled Tinder and he swiped through Grindr. It's after-hours at a bar in San Francisco, and Kelly, a straight 19-year-old college student, is making out with a gay guy.

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